John Steele Workshop: The Soul of Plants
Sunday, September 14, 2003
Close Encounters of the Aromatic Kind II:
Exploring subtle conversations between botanical intelligence and the human spirit
This workshop is open to a limited number of participants. Early registration is recommended. A $50.00 registration fee is required.

The total cost for the workshop is $150.00. Oils and hydrosols for use in the workshop, as well as refreshments are included in this fee.

Additional Oils can be purchased during the course.

The workshop will run from 10:00am to 6:00pm in Bellevue, at the SSOLE retreat center.

Scholarships are available through the SSOLE Educational Foundation to qualified applicants.

Please call Lia Adams at (425) 456-0334 for location, registration and scholarship information.
copyright 2002 Dynamic Design Studios